Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Church Planting Movements Training

Two intense weeks have made an earth shattering impression on me. Every Community for Christ, the church planting catalyst for One Mission Society, trained around thirty missionaries from numerous places around the world in church multiplication methods. Both methods (Training for Trainers and Train & Multiply) are phenomenal tools for planting quickly reproducing churches. But, as the instructors said several times, "Methods do not plant churches. People plant churches. Methods do not disciple people. People disciple people." In essence, God does great things for people through people.

One of the great lessons that we can take away from church planting movements around the world is how new believers are quickly discipled to begin sharing the Gospel and teaching others. They are immediately taught that they are the gateway of salvation for their family and friends. We would do well to apply this lesson to our context and give new converts the tools and accountability they need to share the Gospel with their friends and family. Sharing the Good News does not require years of Sunday School or a seminary degree!

I saw this concept modeled today in our home. Kenley, who is two grades ahead of Madi and James, has determined that she will teach spelling to the twins. Why not? After all, she knows the words well. She introduced the words, gave the spelling, had them write it in their notebooks and used each word in a sentence. Tomorrow the pupils will be asked to make up their own sentences using the spelling words. By the end of the week they will know the words' meaning, spelling and will have mastered their use. Did I mention all this will be taught by an eight year old?

Allowing Kenley to teach has encouraged her to be a better student. The twins love having her teach and they pay closer attention to her than they usually do to Heather. It is a win-win situation. Even Heather gets to step back and watch Kenley teach the lessons that she has taught to her. Heather not only sees whether Kenley has mastered what she has been taught, but she is also able to coach Kenley in her teaching and communication skills. You know, somewhere in here is a lesson for the church!

Jesus told us to go make disciples and to baptize and teach them to follow all he has commanded. We share the Gospel with the expectation that people will surrender their lives to the risen Christ. That is evangelism. We disciple them with the expectation that they will share their testimony and the simple Gospel. We baptize them with the expectation that they will continue in discipleship and that they will make disciples as well.

Kenley is still a student and yet is also a teacher. Likewise, we are both disciples and disciple makers. We cannot "farm-out" this responsibility to a church service, Sunday School or to Christian schools. Programs and institutions do not make disciples; we make disciples! Those we lead will also live a lifestyle of doing what they have seen us model.

May God bless you as you seek to obey the Great Commission to make disciples!

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